Recommended Projects not mapped:

Project EE: Micro Transit deployment (DTC)

- Utilization of on-demand transit services

Project FF: Automated Transit Vehicles (DTC)

- Operation of a fixed route using driverless vehicles as technology evolves

Project LL: New bus transit routes

Serve areas not currently served by existing fixed route services including:
Routes to and from the Christiana Mall and SR 7 – Pike Creek, SR 2 – Prices Corner, SR 141 and SR 273 – New Castle, US 13 – Llangollen, SR 273 – Wilton, and SR 2 and SR 4 – Newark.

Project MM: Transit access improvements Including:

- Bus pads (new and reconstructed)
- Shelters (new and reconstructed)
- Accessible pathways and routes between bus stops and nearby destinations

Project NN: Pedestrian and bicycle improvements along existing roadways including:

- Dedicated bicycle facilities and shared-use paths along existing roadways that do
not have these features currently.

Project OO: Pedestrian / Bicycle Improvements serving Existing Communities including:

- Pedestrian and bicycle connections from existing
communities to lower-stress routes

- Shared-use paths outside those communities

Churchman's Crossing Recommended Transportation Improvements

The map below illustrates projects recommended for inclusion in the Draft Churchman's Crossing Plan Update. More details on how on the project screening criteria can be found within the body of the draft report.
Feature Info