See a snapshot of the data from each year and view parcel changes over time, including parcel boundaries, ownership, etc. Parcel data is available as far back as 1998.
Please be aware that the content and format of the parcel data may change from year to year. Not all attribute data is available for all years.
Current parcel data is generally accurate to +/- 3 feet in over 80% of the county. Older parcel data found in this application may be off considerably, with margins of error of +/- 20 ft or more. This information is not a survey and not intended to be used as such. Always contact a registered Surveyor if you need to know the exact location of your property boundaries.
Parcel lines: The GIS parcel lines were originally created in 1998 by tracing or digitizing over 28,000 parcels from hundreds of paper tax maps. While the resulting GIS parcel layer proved to be a good resource at the time, the spatial accuracy of the information left a lot to be desired. The inaccuracy of the parcel lines was a known issue and accounted for internally when using the data for almost 20 years. When the decision was made to make GIS data publicly accessible via the FetcGIS online mapping system in 2016, it quickly became obvious that it was time to make dramatic improvements to the parcel accuracy. Therefore, the GIS Department began a complete overhaul of the parcel data in 2017. First by gathering exact locations of section corners and other property controlling points, then by redrawing each parcel based on the written Tax Description. The result is a much more accurate and dependable parcel layer. Since 2017, the GIS Department has remapped over 80% of the county maintained 28,000+ parcels. Parcels in the remapped areas are generally spatially accurate to within +/- 3 feet. The remapping effort is ongoing with expected completion sometime around 2025. So please keep all this in mind when reviewing the older parcel lines. Many of them are off significantly and are made available here simply for reference purposes only.
Your Source for Annual Parcel Data Since 1998