Publicly available tree inventory data from the City of Winnipeg was compared for the years 2015 vs. 2021.
Trees were classified as removed between 2015 and 2021 if they appeared in the 2015 inventory, but not in the 2021 inventory. Trees marked for DED removal in the 2021 inventory are considered removed.
Trees were classified as added/planted between 2015 and 2021 if they appeared in the 2021 inventory, but not in the 2015 inventory.
Typical day in July 2017. Source: Winnipeg Comprehensive Urban Forest Strategy, May, 2022
Trees Added between 2015 and 2021
Trees in the 2021 City of Winnipeg Tree Inventory but not in the 2015 inventory.
Trees Removed betw. 2015 and 2021
Trees in the 2015 City of Wpg. Tree Inventory, but not in the 2021 Inventory. Trees marked for DED removal in the 2021 inventory are considered removed.
2015 Median Household Income
2016 Census
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