General Plan Designations

This General Plan Designations interactive map represents land development boundaries and policies that are applicable to (site) specific properties within Plumas County. The broad purpose of the Plumas County General Plan is to express policies which will guide decisions on future growth, development, and conservation of resources as well as their cumulative impact on future environmental conditions in a manner consistent with the goals and quality of life desired by the County's residents.

Per Title 7, Division 1 of the Government Code of the State of California, Article 5, Section 65300 et seq, the County of Plumas is required to adopt a comprehensive general plan to guide its future physical development. Under State law many actions on private land development, such as specific plans, area plans, zoning, subdivisions, and other decisions must be consistent with the general plan.

Since the GIS data was developed for planning purposes and use in publication of maps and/or database creation, the data is for illustrative purpose only and is not suitable for parcel specific decision making.

Therefore, the GIS data presented in this interactive map are approximations and further land development determination is at the discretion of Plumas County planning staff which may require a parcel specific site review (to draw parcel specific conclusions).

For more information, please visit Plumas County Planning Services

General Plan Designations

General Plan Designations represents land development boundaries and policies that are applicable to (site) specific properties within Plumas County.

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