Census Blocks, Block Groups, Tract Boundaries, and Census Designated Places

  • To view and download 2020 Census demographic data (includes data related to population, race, Hispanic origin, and housing from the 2020 census) within this map, please select the "Data Summary Tool" button located on the right side of the map or if using a mobile device at the bottom of the screen under "tools"
  • Census geographical boundaries depicted in this map are supplied by the U.S. Census Bureau. For help understanding census terminology and questions about data sources or technical detail consult the Census Glossary.
  • To compare population statistics about Plumas County (by race, age, gender, etc.) or other detailed demographics, statistics, graphs, or quick facts visit the 2020 Census Demographic Viewer.

Census Terminology

Census Block

A subdivision of a census tract, a Census Block is the smallest geographic unit used by the Census Bureau for demographic tabulation. In urban areas, a Census Block is roughly the size of a city block wherein the blocks usually correspond to individual city blocks bounded by streets, but blocks – especially in rural areas – may include many square miles and may have boundaries that are not streets. Blocks are renumbered for each census, so Census Block 2345 in 1990 is not necessarily the same as Block 2345 in 2000, but an “equivalency table" is published. Because they are based on the road network, once the road network in a developed area is established, block boundaries are consistent from one census to the next.

Census Block Group

A Census Block Group is a geographical area consisting of a group of Census Blocks. Block groups do not have consistent boundaries (or identification numbers) from census to census and are intended primarily for Census Bureau data processing purposes. Aggregation of Block Groups create Census Tracts and are used by the Census Bureau for demographic tabulation.

Census Tract

Census Tracts are combinations of block groups. Census Tracts are relatively permanent geographic divisions of a county defined for the tabulation and presentation of data from the decennial census and selected other statistical programs. The primary goal of the Census Tract is to provide a set of nationally consistent small, statistical geographic units, with stable boundaries, that facilitate analysis of data across time.

Census Designated Place (CDP)

A statistical entity, defined for each decennial census according to Census Bureau guidelines, comprising a densely settled concentration of population that is not within an incorporated place, but is locally identified by a name. CDPs are delineated cooperatively by state and local officials and the Census Bureau, following Census Bureau guidelines. There are no population size requirements for CDPs.

2020 Census Data Map Viewer

Plumas County's 2020 Census Blocks, Block Groups, Tract Boundaries, and Census Designated Places. Allows users to zoom in and find population data, housing counts, and more detailed breakdown of race and ethnicity.

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