Board of Supervisors

Adopted in 2021

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General Information

The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the County of Plumas and many county special districts. The five-member Board is elected by voters in their respective districts and are limited to a four-year term.

The Board meets regularly the first three Tuesdays of each month in the Supervisor's Board Room of the County Courthouse in Quincy. The public is invited to attend and participate either in person or via live-streaming (visit the Board of Supervisor's website for more details). Any member of the public wishing to bring a matter to the attention of the Board may contact the Clerk of the Board so the item can be placed on the agenda.

Decennial Redistricting

Every ten years, the County's Supervisorial districts must be redrawn so that each district is substantially equal in population. This process, called redistricting, is to ensure that each board member represents about the same number of constituents. Information about Plumas County's Redistricting process is posted on the County's website homepage.

Contact the Board of Supervisors

Physical and Mailing Address:

Plumas County Courthouse

520 Main Street, Room 309

Quincy, CA 95971

Email Board of Supervisors


Phone: (530) 283-6170

FAX: (530) 283-6288

Clerk of the Board:

Email Clerk of the Board

District Representatives
District One

Dwight Ceresola Email
District Two

Kevin Goss Email
District Three
District Three
Tom McGowan Email
District Four

Mimi Hall Email
District Five

Jeff Engel Email

Board of Supervisors (Adopted 2021)

Determine your Supervisorial District

Feature Info