Overland drainage flow routes were computed (using proprietary software developed by GIS4Ag Ltd) from LiDAR data and show the general drainage characteristics at both smaller and larger scales within the municipality.

There may be some deviation from the actual conditions at small scales as the modeling does not account for locations of culverts etc. that may move water through roadways, or some existing municipal drains:

  • Where water passes through culverts the modeling will show it overtopping the roadway at the path of least resistance
  • LiDAR does not pick up municipal ditch bottoms well in most cases, so the modeling may show flow through or along field edges when more flow would actually be in the ditch

(LiDAR data were resampled to 15m resolution to allow current computing technology to be able to process this data set, so some smoothing and lack of very fine detail will occur).

Clicking on a section of a flow line will provide the approximate number of acres being drained at that location, plus the drain order. Acres drained values only represent water contributed from inside the municipality, and not any upstream contributions.

Drainage Flow Routes

Overland flow routes computed from LiDAR topography surface

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